Wonder Lust

I fell in love again last week.

It was kind and it was cruel and despite the heat I felt cold.

Still I loved.

The further I find myself from last week, the closer I am drawn to this feeling of love I found.

Oh lord! How many times have I cried out in love? Shall these tears continue? Shall this heart be found?

The stars, each night betray my lust with their sparkle. They lead me astray.

I find my heart laughing at these tears now. For years have passed, and each sunrise surely sets.

Wonder seeps in to each gaze now, and then the inevitable darkness falls...as does my heart.
Simultaneously my wonder-lust follows the sunrise down, and into the ether my faith slowly disappears.

Were it not for the good souls who hold my puppet strings then I would never be held.
I cannot hold these hands of mine alone.

Its cold outside. The breeze develops.

And still I sit.

Oh lord where is my love? Did I give it away too many times now? Is the jar on my red shelf spent?
Has frivolity caught me up? Will another find what I seek... and keep it.. is there no more consequence in my stars? Did I see him walk by? Did I let him go? Did I give away the island for the oasis in the sand?

Oh lord say it isn't so.

Whisper to me as I sleep. Watch me breathe, and stroke my skin.